Air conditioning of production facilities: design, installation

Air conditioning of production facilities is an important component of the successful operation of such enterprises, ensuring stable temperature, humidity and air purity. Manufacturing companies have special needs to ensure comfortable conditions for their employees and optimal operation of their equipment. In this article, we will look at examples of manufacturing plants where air conditioning is used, as well as the specifics of installation and design of such systems.

Examples of manufacturing plants where air conditioning is used

  1. Automotive industry:
    Automobile manufacturing plants depend on air conditioning systems to ensure optimal production conditions and vehicle quality.
  2. Food industry:
    Food processing facilities need air conditioning to control temperature and humidity, ensuring that food quality and safety are maintained.
  3. Pharmaceutical industry:
    The production of pharmaceuticals requires a clean and controlled environment, for which air conditioning systems are used.
  4. Electronics industry:
    The production of electronic components and devices requires stable temperature and humidity conditions to ensure quality and production continuity.
  5. Textile industry:
    In the production of textiles, it is important to maintain optimal conditions, including temperature and humidity control, to achieve quality results.
  6. Machine building industry:
    Large machinery and equipment manufacturing companies use air conditioning systems to ensure optimal working conditions and long-lasting equipment performance.
  7. Chemical industry:
    In chemical production, where temperature and humidity control is essential, air conditioning is used to ensure product safety and quality.
  8. Plastics and polymer factories:
    In these manufacturing plants, air conditioning is used to control temperature and humidity during the production process, which allows for high-quality and stable production of polymeric materials.
  9. Oil refining industry:
    Large oil refineries that process petroleum products use air conditioning systems to ensure optimal production conditions and temperature control, especially in processes related to the storage and handling of petroleum products.
  10. Woodworking industry:
    The production of furniture, flooring and other wooden products requires temperature and humidity control, as wood can be sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Therefore, air conditioning systems are used to ensure stable humidity and temperature in the production facilities of woodworking companies.

These examples demonstrate the diversity of industries where air conditioning in production facilities plays an important role in ensuring the efficiency, quality and safety of production.

Ukraine has many enterprises in various industries where air conditioning plays an important role in ensuring efficient operation and comfort.

Features of air conditioning installation for industrial premises

Installation of air conditioning systems for industrial premises requires detailed planning and a professional approach. One of the features is the calculation of loads on air conditioners and ventilation systems in accordance with the needs of the premises. The availability of specialised equipment and its location is taken into account when developing a project. In addition, an important aspect is the correct laying of communication networks and the installation of control and monitoring systems. This ensures efficient operation of the air conditioning system and its convenient management.

Designing air conditioning for industrial premises

The design of air conditioning systems for industrial premises involves a detailed study of the conditions, requirements and needs of the enterprise. The air conditioning system must provide comfortable conditions for employees, ensure optimal equipment performance and meet safety and quality standards. The design takes into account such factors as the type of production, size of the premises, number of employees, technological requirements and many others. Effective design allows you to achieve the optimal ratio of cost, quality and performance of the air conditioning system.

World of Ventilation Equipment is a leading supplier of ventilation and air conditioning systems for industrial premises. We have experience in developing and installing solutions for various industries. Our experts will help you with the design of the air conditioning system, selection of the optimal equipment and provide professional installation. We understand the importance of efficient air conditioning for your business and are ready to provide reliable solutions that meet your needs.


Air conditioning of industrial premises is an essential component of ensuring the comfort of employees and the optimal functioning of enterprises. Examples of the use of air conditioning in various industries show its effectiveness and necessity. Proper installation and design of an air conditioning system for industrial premises guarantees its efficient operation and ensures high air quality and comfortable conditions. Contact us and we will help you to ensure reliable and efficient air conditioning for your production facility.



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