In modern life, the issue of having bomb shelters in cities was not a priority for Ukraine's development, but since the end of February 2022, our lives have changed. Saving human life has become perhaps the most important task. The issue of reconstruction of existing and construction of new systems of modern bomb shelters is extremely important. "World of Ventilation Equipment" LLC, taking care of the safety of all citizens of Ukraine, offers services for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing shelters and bomb shelters, fulfilling the new DBN V.2.2-5:2023 "Protective structures of civil protection", which replaced DBN V.2.2.5-97

Inspection of supply and exhaust ventilation systems for bomb shelters

A significant part of the existing storage facilities is a legacy of the Soviet past, so these ventilation systems are at least 30 years old or more. We inspect the ventilation system to ensure that it complies with the current DBN B.2.2-5:2023 clause 7 and, if necessary, replace damaged or worn-out sections of air ducts and restore paintwork.

Inspection and replacement of electric hand fans in bomb shelters

According to DBN B.2.2-5:2023, clause 7.15, the ventilation of a bomb shelter should be equipped with electric hand fans. It is very important to keep the equipment in good working order. We inspect the mechanical part of the fan and, if necessary, repair the electric motors.

заміна вентиляторів для бомосховищ

Electricity supply in bomb shelters

Inspection and restoration of power supply systems in bomb shelters

The issue of fire safety of the population in the storage facility is very important. The existing electrical network in the storage facilities is outdated and needs to be replaced. We are laying a new external and internal electrical network in accordance with PUE-6 chapter 2.1 and DBN B.2.2-5:2023 clause 8

Replacing electric lighting systems in bomb shelters with energy-efficient systems

The existing vaults used incandescent lamps, which led to an increase in electricity consumption. We propose replacing the outdated lighting system with a modern energy-efficient system, installing emergency lighting for the entrances, exits and stairs to the storage facility in accordance with the requirements of DBN B.2.2-5:2023, clause 8 

Waterproofing for bomb shelters

Installation of waterproofing for floors, walls and ceilings in bomb shelters

Many storage facilities are in a state of disrepair due to the passage of time. We propose to strengthen the waterproofing and structural strength of ceilings, walls and floors with modern materials.

Restoration of walls and ceilings in a bomb shelter

The modern interior decoration of storage facilities has a significant impact on the psychological state of people during their stay in the storage facility. Walls and ceilings decorated in light, warm colours will add a cosy atmosphere to the room.

Finishing of premises for bomb shelters

Installation and repair of bathrooms and toilets in a bomb shelter

To maintain hygiene, storage facilities should be provided with toilets and bathrooms. We offer renovation of existing or installation of new hygiene rooms with the installation of process water storage tanks and, if possible, connection of the sewage system to the existing system.

Installation of benches, bunk beds and three-tiered beds in bomb shelters

The restoration of a bomb shelter ends with the interior decoration, and it is very important that people feel comfortable during air raids. Therefore, we propose to provide the shelter premises with modern benches and multi-level beds. According to the requirements of DBN B.2.2-5:2023 p.2

Installation of water storage tanks in bomb shelters

Equally important is the issue of supplying drinking water to the shelters. In accordance with the requirements of DBN B.2.2-5:2023, clauses 7.43 and 7.44, we install tanks for storing drinking water supplies with an external water supply system for filling the tanks.

Air cooling and heating systems in bomb shelters

To prevent illnesses while people are in the shelter, we propose to provide the premises with air heating and cooling systems (requirements of DBN B.2.2-5:2023, clause 7). These systems will help to make people’s stay in the storages more comfortable.

Charging points in the bomb shelter for communication devices

We propose to provide the storage facilities with charging points for communication devices to ensure people’s communication with the outside world. Also, installation of stationary communication equipment in accordance with the requirements of DBN B.2.2-5:2023, clause 8

Maintaining human resources is the most important issue during martial law in the country. We care about people’s comfort.


“World of Ventilation Equipment”